Harvest Dungeon – Success

Harvest Dungeon is a game where you plant seeds and grow food while digging and exploring a cave. Troglodytes and lobstermen don’t want to share their cave with you and try to constantly kill you. You need to dig all the diamonds while making sure you have enough food to survive. The player has several tools, but can only carry one of them at a time.

You can play Harvest Dungeon in your browser here.

7DRL 2021 announcement

Team Kalamakkara plans to participate in the 7 Day Roguelike Challenge 2021. The exact details of the game are a mystery, but it will be most likely created in Unity and some of the code from last year will be reused.

The development begins at 7.3.2021 18:00 UTC+2 and ends at 14.3.2020 18:00 UTC+2.

Verminator – Day 6 and 7 – Success

This year was tough even though we re-used old code from last year’s game, but we still managed to finish the game. Hopefully the last minute bug fixes didn’t break anything. The whole team had lots of problems with Unity 2019.3 crashing constantly and some team members could not participate as much as they would have wanted. The last two days were spent implementing line of sight calculations, player’s sanity, adding sounds, bug fixing and probably some other stuff that I’ve forgotten.

Verminator is a classic hack & slash roguelike and the graphical style was inspired by pen & paper role playing games. The player is tasked with clearing out some rats from a taverns cellar, but that turns out to be much harder than what it sounds like.

You can play the game at itch.io. Source code can be found at Github.


Here is a quote from one of our team members:

”We have been participating in the 7 day roguelike challenge for a decade now. The journey has been long and we have made some good games, but the best is yet to come.”

– Maqqr, Project Leader, Honorary Sausage

Verminator – Day 5

The game is starting to become playable. We have all the 3D models done and items, monsters and mutations designed. Now we just need to make level change work, make the player gain insanity as he goes deeper into the cellar, finish the boss room, make the intro scene and fix as many bugs as possible.

Here is a screenshot of one of the enemies with all mutations and without them:


And here is a quote from one of our team members:

”Down we go, ever deeper into the queens lair…”

– GuruErkki, Copypasteriino Masteriino, Content Producer+1

Verminator – Day 4

Lots of random stuff was implemented today:

  • Models for players and enemies
  • Rats have random mutations and traits that affect their stats and appearance
  • Game UI is mostly finished
  • Lots of features bugs were fixed
  • Added new content for the dungeon generator

Here is an example of a basic rat and a rat that has multiple mutations:


Here is a comment from one of our team members:

”This f*cking piece of shit program (Unity) keeps crashing like a heroin addict in rehab.”

– Morkelqua, Content Producer and JSON Afficionado

Verminator – Day 3

Message buffer is working and items can eaten and used. We also added lots of 3D models that will be used in decorating the rooms. For the first time ever, we decided to make a magic system and started working on it. We made data definitions for most of the items and creatures. Next we need to make models for the creatures and implement traits and mutations for the rats and continue working on the magic system.

Here is a random commit message from one of our team members:

”Taketh them traits traitorous treasurers tof tiftemdom!”

– Morkelqua, Content Producer and JSON Afficionado

Verminator – Day 1 and 2

The first days were mostly spent copying as much code as possible from the previous year’s entry and making the player move. The player can move around in a randomly generated dungeon and pick up and equip items. The character sheet is also coming along nicely:


Here is a quote from one of our team members:

”Hunting bugs while team mates are hunting monsters. Feels good man.”

– mikrklk, Senior Stackoverflow Consultant

7DRL 2020 announcement

Team Kalamakkara plans to create a top-down roguelike with 3D graphics. A local tavern owner has a rat infestation problem in his cellar, but the task is much harder than what it sounds like, because the cellar is actually a multi-level dungeon with different kinds of rats that will give the player trouble.

The game will be made using Unity with the help of these assets:

The development begins at 1.3.2020 18:00 UTC+2 and ends at 8.3.2020 18:00 UTC+2.

Dungeon of the Goblin King – Day 6 and 7

Dungeon of the Goblin King is a 3D turn based roguelike that focuses on stealth mechanics. The game was made using Unity and we used some free assets that are listed on the first post.

Day 6 was so busy that we didn’t have time to write a blog post. The last few days were exhausting, but we managed to finish the game. The game balance could be better, but hopefully the game is fun regardless of that.

You can play the game on itch.io. The source code can be found at Github.


Dungeon of the Goblin King – Day 5

We now have a working combat system, stealth, xp and leveling up. When leveling up you get perk points which can be used to buy all kinds of upgrades. The AI is still a bit simple. Creatures attack the player when they see him/her and investigate if they hear a sound or see player on the edge of light.

The piece of meat above the light indicator shows how hungry the player is. When the meat is gone, the player is starving.